Siri Dictation on the Mac

[1]Avatron lanA Tron, the makers of Air Sharing, have released a new iOS and Mac Matt app named Air Dictate.[2] The application “integrates” with Siri on the iPhone 4S to dictate into any text field on the Mac. The Mac he MTac must be running the free companion application but the dictation results are placed in the currently active text editor. There is a brief pause will Siri does her magic and performs the translation but the dictated text is popped right into a Mac application without any further user interaction. The he app works well and I hope it’s a sign of interesting things to come from Siri.

Sure, this is similar to the Dragon Dictation solution that uses the iPhone as a microphone. However, Dragon costs $200 and an air dictate costs $.99.


EDIT: By way of MacNN

    <li id="fn:1">This article was created using Air Dictate and <a href=";offerid=146261&amp;type=3&amp;subid=0&amp;tmpid=1826&amp;">MultiMarkdown Composer</a>. I’ve included correction as cross outs. The links were added manually. <a class="reversefootnote" title="return to article" href="#fnref:1"> ↩</a></li>
    <li id="fn:2">Affiliate link <a class="reversefootnote" title="return to article" href="#fnref:2"> ↩</a></li>