Moving Day

I found a new host over on WebFaction and I've been very happy with their support and performance. I'm also moving my domains to during the same window. It's all a tiny bit irritating but I've made multiple backups of everything and tested out the import process several times. In a way, it's kind of like when I get a new Mac and I take the time to clean up my files and reexamine my backup system.

The most noticeable change should be improved performance (WebFaction really is performing well) but a there will be a few minor improvements as well.

  • There will be a bit of a redesign of the site to clean it up.
  • All user accounts will be reset. Sorry, but the vast majority of "registered" users are spam anyway.
  • I'm changing the search plugin to provide better and more immediate results

There may be some hiccups and I apologize in advance if I flood your RSS feed with duplicate and/or old posts.

See you on the other side. I hope.