
I don’t have anything smart to say about The New iPad specs or capabilities so I will save you those meaningless opinions.

But a brief Twitter exchange with Michael Schechter got me thinking about the significance of iOS in general. Each generation gets their moment to be remembered. We have the Silent Generation of the depression, the Greatest Generation that fought the Nazis, The Generation of Love, Generation X (my generation), and now Generation Y.

As time gives me greater perspective, these generations blur together but remain defined by major social milestones. The Greatest Generation defined honor and the American Dream. Generation X is the first generation with home computers but Generation Y is the first generation with global communities available over the Internet. What’s next?

My daughter is three years old. I firmly believe that iOS will mark a singular social milestone for my daughters generation. She will be the first generation with ubiquitous and easily understood computing devices. Whatever your perspective on the Android iOS disagreements, it’s difficult to argue that the iOS release didn’t coincide with a shift in computing.

The Retina display continues this unstoppable move to private computing.1. My child will never know pixels. She will not remember a time when computer displays were not photo realistic and easily manipulated. She will live in a world where computing devices are part of everyday life considered with as much reverence as a light switch.

I bought the new iPad yesterday. I appreciate the transition I’m privileged enough to experience. This is like the television revolution of the early 50’s but I get to participate this time. I’m damned well not going to miss it if I can afford it.

    <li id="fn:private">iOS devices are even more personal than the PC. There's one account. It's tough to share one screen (except with AirPlay). Each iOS device really belongs to one person. <a title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text" href="#fnref:private" rev="footnote">↩</a></li>