Gatekeeping of Women Link

Greg Rucka on the phenomenon of boys attempting to own nerd culture and punishing girls for partaking:

And that sets me on a burn, anyway, but I’m running hot because, you see, I am the father of a daughter, and she is my light, and she shines, and I want for her every-fucking-thing she desires, and I want those things for her earned, not given; I want for her the reward of effort. I want for her inclusion. I want for her validation. I want for her a world that recognizes her worth as a human being.

He continues with some great conclusions from a dad and a king geek:

What in the name of everlovingfuck is the matter with you? Are you simply stupid? Are you just ignorant? Are you broken? Newsflash: you are owed NOTHING. Not a thing. Not a goddamn thing. This fandom, that fandom, guess what? It doesn’t belong to you.


Here’s my theory. Some nerds want to feel superior to anyone. They choose targets that they think they can gang-up against in numbers significant enough to shield themselves. They aren’t going to get through a day at school wearing shirts that make fun of the wrestling team. So they make crap like that shirt and titter between themselves secure in the knowledge that they risked nothing to feel superior.

If you feel the need to punch at all, at least punch up you losers.

Greg Rucka