Audiobook Notes Link

Patrick describes a relatively simple way to take notes about an audiobook while walking around. But I really like this sentiment:

I know this so-called workflow isn’t for everyone. Serious/professional readers might even shake their head in disbelief. My girlfriend constantly snickers when I tell her that I’ve finished another book, but some people tend to judge and you might even get a little hate. All I can say is, that in my book it doesn’t matter how you engage with literature, as long as you do it. Matter of fact, audio books can work as kind of a gateway drug to the heavier stuff in the shelves for all of those young folks out there who aren’t into books anymore.

Yes. Yes they do. The only thing that matters is how delicious the sausage is out the other side of the meat grinder. I bet Patrick takes way better notes than many potential critics.1

I love Drafts for this kind of stuff. It’s a great little scratch pad and it works with dictation through the iOS keyboard. I wish the Audible app had more practical features and less “News.”

  1. And to anyone that thinks audibooks are somehow inferior to paper or ebooks: give me a break. Just get the words and ideas in your head. If that’s through audio, braille, ink on paper or finger puppets it doesn’t matter. ↩︎