Task Management for Nerds on Draft Link

Given enough time and/or beer I’m likely to talk about task management. That’s exactly what happened in the latest Nerds on Draft episode.

I happen to manage projects for a living so I spend a lot of time putting things in lists and then removing them from lists. I’ve used a lot of different systems (or at least gave them a fair shot). But, you may have noticed a drop in the number of Macdrifter articles in the past year about project and task management. That’s because something happened about 12 months ago. I started just getting stuff done and stopped writing about how I get stuff done.1

If I had to guess why I lost interest in writing about task management, it was because it just stopped being complicated and special. The TaskPaper model fits me well, which allows me to just work and not think about the system. I write about things that I find challenging or exciting. Managing my tasks in plain text is neither.

I do have a bunch of pretty neat tools for working with plain text but I just use them now. Editorial is probably the most important thing in my pocket. Sublime Text is probably the most import program on my computer.

Listen to this episode of Nerds on Draft if you’re curious. There’s some great options out there for reducing the effort of planning and thinking. I found something that really works for me. When I spent a lot of time thinking about my task manager, it was because it was a size too small or hid behind a disguise of design.

We also recently covered calendaring.

  1. Well, there’s still the occasional post about Drafts for iOS or some other amazing application of my super computers to my everyday life. ↩︎