Guy sings at work. Guy gets into music school. That’s a good story.
I’ll tell you something. It’s really hard to find a good balance of “good” news but when I do, it makes a 10X the impact of any of the bad news.
This is an incredible piece of journalism by Ariane Lange at BuzzFeed:
Old letters, emails, and transcripts of AOL conversations between the women and Kricfalusi back up many of their claims. They each have witnesses to parts of their stories. Yet both women worried that they sounded “crazy.” For years, they chose to keep their experiences private, because coming forward didn’t seem like it was worth the risk. Rice feared retribution from his many supporters.
I’m skeptical of any proscriptive system that claims to solve the problem of information capture and recall. At one time the Franklin Covey system was the “fix” for a busy schedule. Then there was the miracle of the PDA that attempted to replicate the function of paper with the power of search. Today’s reinventions on new hardware, like the laptop and the mobile device make some additional improvements. After years of working with all of these things I accept that there is no single best way to do any of it.
I don’t believe much of the nutrition “science.” The studies are poorly defined and the results are rushed to a mostly illiterate media. I do, however, believe a broken clock is right two to three times a day depending on daylight savings.
I haven’t found any of the studies about paleolithic diets convincing. I neither believe their historic time-lines or their claims for understanding the complex biology involved. But, I do believe in energy barriers.
It’s incredible when an app as full featured and long-lived as Keyboard Maestro adds new features. Now we get file-drop triggers for macro actions. I’ve only just started experimenting with it. Here’s a macro that I made awhile ago to grab the path to a file selected in the finder.
Here’s a version that works with a dropped file instead. The “TriggerValue” contains the path to the dropped file.
Now I can drag a file to the action as a trigger and source.
Neil deGrasse Tyson on the rise of crazy flat-earth conspiracy nuts:
I think that the number of people may be the same over time they just now can write a blog that the whole world has access to by a search engine.
I love this YouTube series because I love spicy food. But I also love the casual conversation which is weirdly earnest when people enjoy spicy wings.
This episode of YANSS came along at a crucial time for me. I’ve been struggling with lesser traits.
I love the idea of the “out self” and how we align our internal compass to what we project outwardly. This isn’t just about politics. We all exhibit the most inexplicable tribalism that doesn’t have much meaning or benefit. I know I do. I pick a favorite computing platform. A preferred text editor.
I found the process “commerced” running on my iMac because of the wonderful Little Snitch. After allowing a process I usually go back and explore the rule to see if it was a good choice.
I found a nice article by Justin Pot on How-To Geek.
That’s right: we’re looking at the Mac App Store icon. Scroll down and you’ll find various scripts related to the App Store: storedownloadd, storeinstalld, and more.
I nearly missed this new feature on Feedbin. I don’t use but I do really like Feedbin for RSS. This kind of thing is pretty nice for people that are trying to replace Twitter with a micro blog.
Some really interesting stuff in this Wikipedia article. It’s easy to forget how complex the market is and how unintended consequences lurk behind every decision. For example, how a smaller coin in Japan meant a bigger impact from home game consoles.
The U.S. game industry lobbied in Washington, D.C. for a smaller $1 coin, closer to the size of a quarter, arguing that inflation (which had reduced the quarter’s spending power by a third in the early 1980s) was making it difficult to prosper.