
Objective C 3 - Structures

It's been awhile since I posted about my journey into Objective C and Cocoa programming. It's going a lot slower than I had hoped, but I up to page 260 in "Programming in Objective C" so at least I'm not a complete slacker. It doesn't help that most of the really basic material is as exciting as a wet shoelace. But today on my commute to work I read about Functions and Structures.

Quicksilver is slick

A previous post showed how to use Apple's Automator to create a workflow for taking a screenshot and sending it to iPhoto. Wouldn't it be great if you could associate a hotkey to run this work flow? Enter Quicksilver. First you must setup QS to catalog your Scripts folder. Go to the catalog preferences for QS and select Custom on the left side panel. Now you can create a new Folder scanner.