
Workflow Directory Link

If you use Workflow for iOS (if you’re reading this site, you probably are) then you definitely need to checkout this new site by Jordan Merrick: Workflow Directory. It matches the Workflow aesthetic perfectly and even has an RSS feed. You know an app is great when this kind of stuff crops up around it.

TapCellar Update and Pricing Changes

We’ve shipped two significant updates to our beer-hobbyist app TapCellar in the last 3 weeks.1 The first update included a large number of performance improvements, increased the off-line database to over 45,000 craft beers, changed the way we sync with BreweryDB, and added several new In App Purchase features I’ll describe below. The second update made the IAP actually work (sorry about that). New Features There are a couple of new features we added as part of the “Pro” upgrade in TapCellar.

Migrating Zite to Flipboard

Zite is (was) an iOS news service that’s unlike anything else I’ve tried. It applies the mundane methods of up and down voting to create a tailored feed of articles that fit my tastes better than most of my friends can. It took some time and effort to customize my Zite experience (mostly though uploading feeds, selecting preferred subjects and rating articles) but after a few years I’m giddy with what I have.

Scanbot 4 With Workflows

I scan A LOT. Everything. It’s part of my routine to archive everything and get rid of paper. I use a ScanSnap for most of my scanning but I’m also a die hard Scanbot user when I’m not at my desk. Version 4 of Scanbot adds new “workflow” options that make dealing with OCR documents even better. Rather than just offering a single default location for document uploads, you can now specify a variety of locations (across many different online services).

Crystal iOS Ad Blocker Performance Link

Crystal is an upcoming ad blocker for iOS 9. Even early results are staggering. On average, pages loaded 3.9x faster with Crystal and used 53% less bandwidth. Just by having Crystal installed, I saved a total of 70 seconds and 35MB of data on these 10 pages. This is a big deal and it’s difficult to ignore the huge benefit to mobile users.

Blink 1.1 Update

This site uses affiliate links to help cover the cost of the hosting and design. It’s a nice compromise between keeping myself motivated and not puking advertising all of the page. But more recently, I’ve found myself using affiliate links out of convenience instead of compulsion. The ways I generate affiliate links are sometimes easier than generating standard links. Blink for iOS is so good, that I go there first when I’m looking for a link to an iOS app, often even when I’m sitting at my computer.

VPN for Security and Convenience

When I travel I use a VPN. It’s a nice little bit of security when on a strange WiFi network. It’s not bullet proof but it’s a minimal layer between me and a coffee shop or hotel. If you’re unfamiliar with VPN, it’s a private tunnel between your machine and another machine on the Internet. You connect to the VPN host and the VPN host handles all of your requests out to the Internet.

iThoughts Preview on iOS 9

Toektaware (makers of iThoughts) have posted a few previews potential iOS 9 features and I have to say, I’m pretty excited for this stuff. Reminders Integration Spotlight Integration Multitasking

JavaScript Dates in TextExpander Link

This post by the good doctor is clever. It’s not clever because he does date formatting in JavaScript.1 It’s clever because he does it by calling a second JavaScript library (Moment.js) stored as a snippet from within another snippet. I usually do my date formatting with Python, but he’s right about the shortcoming with Python or Shell centric snippets. They don’t work everywhere. As of today, there’s a JavaScript engine on every computer I use.

Drafts Keys for Writers Link

Use Drafts for iOS? You probably would love some of these action keys. The “smart parenthesis” key is pretty neat.