The Synology 5.2 beta is available and they are moving in a very interesting direction. DSM 5.2 will add support for Docker apps and a Synology SSO. A new self-hosted task manager is also making a premier with this version of the NAS operating system. There’s plenty to complain about with Synology but their OS progression is impressive. A Synology NAS is really just a ready-to-deploy network machine that holds disks.
“Review” might be a stretch, but Torrentfreak has a pretty good rundown of a bunch of VPNs and their responses to a privacy questionnaire. If you’re tired of your ISP screwing around with your Netflix bandwidth and aren’t interested in ad supported Internet, this might be a good time to consider a VPN.
Phillip has a nicely annotated walk through of the new Drafts prompt options for actions.
The full power of the Prompt step is unleashed in conjunction to Drafts integration to Javascript, allowing you to change the course of a script completely. You can access previously defined tags in a Script step with draft.getTag(“tagName”), where tagName is the name of the tag, in our case, either llama_text or llama_button.
At a time when Microsoft is releasing major updates to Office for Mac and iOS, I’m increasingly thinking about how far behind they are at making text useful.
David Sparks does it again. I honestly had no idea this was coming when I posted a tip yesterday. David’s latest product is a video tutorial of the entire Workflow application and action set with a lot of great tips. It’s an hour long video walkthrough of everything required to build some awesome utilities. The video is shot on an iPad but applies equally to the iPhone version of Workflow.
I think the last two episodes compliment each other nicely. This week Jeff and I talked about owning a home and the poor thought that usually goes into that decision. There are many days when I miss renting but there are also some real joys in owning a house too.
We drank a beer named JAWN, which is apparently named after a meaningless word that means everything.
A terrific primer for getting familiar with Unix commands.
An interesting essay by Andrew Potter:
From the paleo diet to the “ancestral health” craze to the criminals leading the anti-vaccine movement, we live in neoprimitivist times, in precisely the manner sketched by William Gibson. A disturbingly large segment of society has adopted a highly skeptical and antagonistic relationship to the main tributaries of modernity. But as in The Peripheral, these people are not opting out of modernity, going off the grid or deciding to live in caves.
A wonderful eulogy by Aziz Ansari for his friend:
I was so excited for what was ahead for Harris. I knew he was going to really explode after this new project. The little bit of Wittels comedy out there was just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
Say what you will about the Internet. Reading a friends eulogy about someone I never met or knew much about just made me a bit more human.
A nice summary from Marc Rogers:
Superfish replaces legitimate site certificates with its own in order to compromise the connections so it can install its adverts. This means that anyone affected by this adware cannot trust any secure connections they make.
Remember Sony? The reality is that this will not put Lenovo out of business. The repercussions for doing something obviously wrong are vanishingly small when compared to the money made by doing it.
Pretty good deal on Taskpaper for Mac. $2 is cheap and Taskpaper is very good.
By way of @ttscoff