A couple of nice posts about Sublime Text over at TechnologyNotes. I use the heck out of Sublime Text, because it’s ubiquitous and powerful.
In Jeff’s posts, he highlights his awkward dance with Sublime Text and how he settled into it by replacing a bunch of other applications. That’s a pretty good reason to make the move. His write-up of using Sublime Text for task management describes more or less how I do it.
In my experience, there’s nothing like DiskWarrior for repairing a damaged disk. It’s like a fire extinguisher, you may never need it but when you do, you’d pay almost anything to have it next to you.
The new version ships on a USB disk (finally) and is also updated for the latest OS. Interestingly, it will also now repair TimeMachine disks.
DiskWarrior is a professional tool (I’ve seen it used at the Genius Bar many times) and the price reflects that.
I’ll admit it. I’m a project manager that really hates Gantt charts. I dislike them because they surface a project schedule at that cost of depicting dependencies and details. They have their place but I prefer that place to be on someone else’s display.1
I prefer to draw timelines myself and I like to capture more than just task sequences. I create flow diagrams for an entire project and include details like milestones, risks, trigger events and team functions.
Now that I have a convenient way to manage my various FTP locations, I can keep ready-to-snark images on a server I control. I can share out an animated GIF using a URL that I own. From iOS or my Mac I can copy the URL directly from Transmit.
But I wanted to make it even easier to access my URLs. The first step is getting all of the URLs for the GIFS.
From Tekrevue
> Options include creating a custom name with a numbered sequence (Name and Index), a custom name with a counter (Name and Counter), and a custom name with the date (Name and Date). In each case, you can choose to place the counter, sequence, or date before or after the custom name. What a great feature if you don’t need a lot of flexibility. I don’t know how I missed this.
Here’s another piece of software I really like that’s also on sale: DEVONthink. The discount covers all versions, on up to Office Pro.
ChronoSync is 25% off but the sale ends today. It’s one of the best ways to do intelligent and selective backups. I’ve used it for many years and it’s been like a rock.
David Sparks makes some of the best eBooks and now he’s branching out into video. His first video-only Field Guide is pretty fantastic if you use OmniFocus or you’re considering it. $10 is a deal for 2 hours of professional level training for an app as complicated as OmniFocus.
Here’s a sample on Vimeo.
I’ve been plowing through Brett Terpstra’s OS X Shell Tricks over at Mijingo and they are great. Now I find out they are on sale for 50% off and the sale ends today (Sunday, November 30th)
In fact, everything is on sale over there. I’m going to be picking up the PIP and virtualenv video course for sure.
The Command Line Bundle is pretty nice for $20 and includes the Brett’s video course.
Calca is a Mac app for mixing calculations with Markdown.1 You write in plain text but Calca understands equations and calculations as you work. It supports simple math as well as complex functions. Even variable names can be intermingled through the text and used in calculations elsewhere.
Writing something as simple this is all it takes to do a calculation in the middle of taking notes:
:::text widgets = 23+7 widgets per month = widgets*12 => 360 Ending with the => automatically outputs the results.