Alfred 3.2 is out this week with several nice updates to the workflow options. It now passes the current application focus so that a single hot key can behave differently in different applications.
Snippets now support a cursor placement token, which makes it much better for expanding large chunks of text and positioning me right where I need to start typing.
Alfred 3.2 also now supports integration with 1Password for families and teams.
The new MacBook series has made the switch from USB and Thunderbolt 2 to all Thunderbolt 3. Glenn Fleishman did a pretty good job breaking down the new order of things on Twitter:
Just to be clear:
USB-C ports can’t handle Thunderbolt 3 devices TB3 ports can accept both TB3 and USB-C devices He even goes so far as to link out to a quite excellent CNET article1
iThoughts v4 for iOS and Mac is out today with a great new feature: format with Markdown. This is just wonderful if you like Markdown. Format lists, links, footnotes or even just font weight with Markdown. I think the feature makes working between plain text files and concept maps really seamless.
Check out the release notes. There’s also a quick intro to the features on the ToketaWare website with some nice examples of how it handles copy and paste from the web too.
This is the kind of post I love. Dr. Drang talks about TableFlip for Mac and MultiMarkdown tables. I’m a huge fan of MultiMarkdown tables, which is a weird sentence to write. It’s how I create my crib sheets.1 I think TableFlip is the easiest way to work with MultiMarkdown tables, by far. When I’m on my Mac, it’s mostly what I use now.2 But, as a Sublime Text user, I’m also a huge fan of the Table Editor plugin even though it’s no longer supported (damn you vim).
OmniGraffle is such a generally useful application that I stay in step with every upgrade. Now version 7 is out and I’m all in with the Pro version. I use OmniGraffle for a thousand different things each year. For example, I used it to plan out a new kitchen with the awesome scale features. I also use it to create nice visual effects like magnifier callouts for images.
Now version 7 brings some big new features like SVG import, infinite canvas and a new point editor for shapes.
Fujitsu’s ScanSnap announced a future fix in the works for their PDF creation tools on Sierra for Mac.
While this issue is manifested by changes resident in macOS Sierra with how certain PDF content is influenced when it is modified using the new OS, Fujitsu is working to resolve both ends of this issue. To start, Fujitsu will take the initial action to fix select applications that will allow ScanSnap to be used to create new PDF content going forward that is safe to modify on macOS Sierra.
This is a follow up to a previous post. My own testing shows that there’s no issue with my ScanSnap and DEVONthink Pro Office. My interpretation is that the main issue is with scanning to from the ScanSnap software. Use at your own risk but I’ve been a happy DEVONthink Pro Office user for many years.
TJ on Twitter sent out the fire alarm for ScanSnap users.
Fujitsu is telling ScanSnap owners not to upgrade to Sierra because they failed to update their software for the new OS.
That link sums up a complete failure by Fujitsu. Their scanners will simply fail to scan in a variety of ways. I recommend using Scanner Pro on your iPhone.
Hazel for Mac is 10 years old and to celabrate Noodlesoft has a 50% off sale running right now. Just visit the store and get it for $16. Hazel is one of the main reasons I’d never go iOS only. It makes my Mac far too efficient to abandon.
I’ve been using MailMate for years and contributed to the fundraiser for version 2. If you’re a paid user then you should have access to the beta features, including the new design just released.
The new modern theme looks good and I especially like how quoting works.
Revision 5260 is pretty significant. The beta development for version 2 is taking longer than I guessed but as a paid user, it’s like I already have it through stable beta builds.