
Brat Annotation Link

I’ve been struggling with a formalized standard for change tracking and commenting in plain text.1 I don’t have any conclusions, but I have found some very cool tools. Brat is a web app for doing extremely complex markup of text. It’s a tool for marking entity definitions and relationships and has its roots in the sciences where relationships between words tell a greater story than the single sentence may convey.

Sublime Text Plugin Explorations Markdown Link Manager

I’ve been tinkering with some more Sublime Text plugin development. My first introduction can be found here.1 This work was inspired by Brett’s MarkdownEditing plugin. For a demo of what the plugin does, here’s a little video: I created these by reading the API documentation, the command documentation and browsing the forum. In addition, I examined the code of many, many other plugins for hints as to what the hell the first three meant.

Writing In Markdown - Lists

This is part two in the Writing in Markdown series. If you prefer, read John Gruber's original guide. I will not be able to add anything new. Lists come in two flavors in Markdown. There are unordered lists and ordered lists. The first item in a list must be preceded by an empty line. A list item can contain other Markdown formatting, however the list bullet or item number can not.