
Piraat and Glassware Link

The latest Nerds on Draft is out. Spoiler: We like Piraat and are skeptical of the virtues of specialty glassware. I’m also doubtful that custom cereal bowls make Mini-Wheats taste better. But beer glasses are more fun to test.

Bourbon County Stout and Moral Choices Link

This weekend’s Nerds on Draft is full of moral dilemmas and delicious beer. Jeff and I slowly sip Goose Island’s 2014 Bourbon County Stout and discuss the controversy of good companies being bought by “bad” companies and our own motivations for moral lines in the sand. Lots of navel gazing but with one of the best stouts you can drink this year.

Plex and Detour Link

Detour is a very good Double IPA from Uinta. This week Jeff and I pair it with a long love-fest for Plex as a media streaming platform. We could probably go on about Plex for a dozen hours but we kept it to 71 minutes for this episode.

Breakfast Stout, Dragon's Milk and Office Setups Link

On the most recent episode of Nerds on Draft, Jeff and I enjoy two of the best stouts around and then spend an hour talking about our desks, chairs and personal quirks with computer setups. If that sounds boring, you haven’t seen my chair.

Sorachi Ace and Collaboration Link

Episode 8 of Nerds on Draft brings the story of a terrific hoppy saison and digital collaboration tools. Jeff and I discuss a bunch of the tools that we liked for remote collaboration on TapCellar. Slack, Asana and Sorachi Ace go great together.

Maudite and Ratings Link

On this week’s Nerds on Draft podcast, Jeff and I talk much less about TapCellar while we drink Maudite from Unibroue. We mostly talk about the variety in rating systems and how we are programmed to think about scores. We also admit how hard it is to rate apps and write product reviews on Amazon.

Announcing TapCellar for iOS

If you follow me on Twitter or Pinboard you may know that I’m a pretty big craft beer nerd. I have a rather large cellar of rare and varied beer and I love checking out what’s evolving in the market. I found a kindred spirit in Jeff Hunsberger and we made an app for beer nerds and we’re calling it TapCellar.1 There were a few key principles behind the design of TapCellar and I think these are what set the app apart from most other beer apps I’ve used.

Nerds on Draft Classic Belgians and Knowing When You're Done Link

I’m enjoying making Nerds on Draft a little too much. On episode 3, Jeff and I sample two of the classic Belgian-style beers and talk about the conflict between sweating the details and knowing when to say no. I think the show turned out great, but then again, I’m biased toward good Belgian beer.

Jack D'Or and Leisure Time Link

The latest episode of Nerds On Draft focuses on one of my favorite Boston breweries, Pretty Things and their wonderful Saison. We also talk about how complicated “leisure” time can be.

The Nerds on Draft Podcast Link

My friend Jeff Hunsberger runs, works in software development and is a complete and utter nerd like me. A lot of our conversations end up focusing on the geeky stuff we love, like computers, iPhones, pens and the sociology experiment that we call the Internet. We also both love craft beer and home brewing. Since we like to talk about this stuff, we decided to get coordinated and record a new weekly show called Nerds on Draft.