
Plain Text to OmniFocus

This is an oldie and a goodie. Rob Trew makes some damn fine AppleScripts for getting tasks in and out of OmniFocus as well as some great DEVONthink tools. For all my grief for AppleScript, his work is an excellent model of the power of scripting on the Mac. I also love the structure of his scripts. Unlike mine, he properly designs his scripts with methods and descriptive structure. This is how you write an AppleScript:

OmniFocus Do Over

Hi. My name is Gabe and I have a problem with planning. Now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest, the healing can begin. I use OmniFocus to manage tasks. Well, to be honest I use OmniFocus, Outlook Exchange, Simplenote, post-it notes, lipstick on mirrors and full body tattoos. One major issue with tracking tasks, as I have lamented many times before, is that I work on Windows all day.

Contribute to an OmniFocus Book Link

Sven Fechner over at is writing a book about OmniFocus. He's looking for real world users to contribute. I can pretty much guarantee if Sven is writing it, this book will become a classic reference. Sign up here to contribute. Hurry before he closes it.

Spootnik at Macworld

For all of you Spootnik users headed to Macworld, Lars and Rubin will be showing some new features and talking about Mailplane. If you're an OmniFocus user, Spootnik is more than a sync service. It provides web access to your OmniFocus data (both read and write access) as well as Basecamp integration.

Omnifocus to Text Link

A nice little script by Wolf Rentzsch for extracting actions from Omnifocus to plain text. Applescript may be showing its age, but it sure is readable. That script almost looks like instructions you would provide to a person to perform the same action.


Here's a nice single-location for a bunch of OmniFocus themes. Some are very attractive and some make my eyes bleed. To each their own.

Siri and Outlook

It is now obvious that Siri has elevated the iOS Reminders app to the winners circle of productivity applications. It has become the quintessential ubiquitous capture device for me. One unexpected side effect is that I am now using the Tasks functionality in Outlook on Windows much more. Exchange Tasks Through my day-job I am forced to use Microsoft Exchange and Outlook on Windows. I loath Outlook but I have come to accept it as my lot in life.


I love this stuff. Another OmniFocus CLI. Typical amazing and clever work by Brett Terpestra. This is the second OmniFocus CLI in the past month. Something tells me the Omni Group should be working on a blessed version.