
Browser Safety

Sometimes a gated community is good Android Browser Calls Home

MAS Revolt

Looks like there is a small uprising over at the AgileBits forum. The issue centers on their decision to go all-in on the Mac AppStore (MAS). There are two camps:[1] People angry that they have to repurchase the application and will not get upgrade pricing People that are concerned the MAS will reduce the functionality and update cycles For the people hanging out in camp 1: If you derive $20 additional value out of MAS and the upcoming version 4 of 1Password, then pay for it.

1Password on MAS Dropbox Sync Issue

I was excited to finally migrate my 1Password install to the Mac AppStore. I've been slowly repurchasing through the MAS so that I can quit maintaining an inventory of all of my application licenses. Unfortunatley, there is a significant bug with the MAS version. I keep my Dropbox folder on a secondary internal drive so as to save space on my SSD. The new 1Password assumes that Dropbox is always installed in the user folder.

On Text Files Link

Great series of essays by Dr. Drang that cover his evolution of writing everything in plain text files. His latest post discusses BBEdit and Textmate.

I Don039t Need No Stinking License File

I’ve always struggled with solutions for managing the application licenses I own. I’ve bought a huge amount of software online and invariably that involves some horrendously long license number. Here’s just a few methods I’ve tried to keep track of these files. Email A text document An Excel file A Numbers document Bento Bento Bento seemed to hit a sweet spot for me. It allowed me to keep the license code as well as emails and additional registration details.

Dave Winer039s Response to Dropbox

Dave Winer: "I've deleted my Dropbox account." THAT is exactly what I was afraid of. Dave has done some very cool things with Dropbox. If you think that's not a loss for the company then research what Dave has accomplished (apache and Dropbox web server). He's been a significant promoter of Dropbox and likely driven a good amount of traffic to their site. There was no need for this. Copying Google's or SugarSync's TOS is not an excuse.

Amazon S3 Price Change

I loved reading Shawn Blanc’s post about online backup. He did a great job reviewing the pros and cons of the best options. I’ve avoided most of these services because I have never personally met someone that has restored from an online backup. I have used Amazon’s S3 service for storing and sharing files, but never considered it for a backup option due to the steep price for large amounts of data.

Check Your WordPress

Security exploits are mainstream. There's no escaping it. It will only become more common. Do yourself a favor and be diligent and take nothing for granted. Even Wordpress blogs are vulnerable.  post script: Yes, I checked this site and it's clean.