sublime text

Slack Plugin for Sublime Text Link

It’s a Sublime Text plugin…for Slack. It can post selected text as a snippet or each line as a new message. You can choose the channel from a menu or send to a single recipient. You can also type new messages through the input console. It works as advertised.

Writing Sublime Text Plugins Link

Writing Sublime Text Plugins is a new book by Josh Earl. I bought it and think it’s a great place to start if you want to learn how to make Sublime Text do more. I’d recommend it even if you don’t want to make your own plugin to distribute. If you’re like me, you might just want your own function that does something special to you but useless to almost everyone else.

Evernote for Sublime Text Link

What a great looking plugin for Sublime Text. Allows you to send text from Sublime Text to Evernote as a new note. It also allows you to popup a list of notes in Sublime Text and open one as a Markdown plain text version in Sublime. It also uses a YAML header in the note to display or set the Evernote attributes like folder and tags. You’ll need an Evernote developer token for it to work though.

Acme Plumbing for Sublime Text Link

Acme Plumbing is a creative little package for Sublime Text that enables powerful contextual actions on text in a document. The most simple is launching a URL but the commands can do just about anything Python can do. Lookup the docs for the python function under the mouse, or open the directory for the current file. So much interesting stuff going on in the Sublime Text world.

Sublimerge for Sublime Text Link

Sublimerge is a $10 package for Sublime Text that performs difference previewing and merging. I’ve used it a few times and it is fast and functional but somewhat hard to master. It has some nice features for working with versions, SVN and Git too. It even does directory comparisons.

A Sublime Writing Experience

I’ve been using Sublime Text as my primary writing environment for about 18 months. While I work with other great text editors like nvALT and MultiMarkdown Composer with smaller chunks of words, I always return to Sublime Text for the heavy lifting. This is a brief outline to cover the plugins and configurations that I think make Sublime Text great.1 SFTP Plugin The SFTP package is not free. It is $20 and worth every dime.

Quick Notes with Sublime Text

Here’s one of my most used Alfred workflows. It’s simple but extremely convenient. The workflow is triggered with sn and a title for the note. It then creates a new text file in my Notes directory and then immediately opens it in Sublime Text for editing. The bash script is very simple: :::bash touch ~/Dropbox/Notes/{query}.txt;open -a '/Applications/Sublime' ~/Dropbox/Notes/{query}.txt I chose to use the open command rather than the Sublime command line because Alfred always seems to have issues the subl command.

Color Picker for Sublime Text

The Color Picker package for Sublime Text is a great addition to one of my favorite text editors. It has two uses: Display the color of a selected code Enter the color code from the system color picker It’s really convenient and the fact that it works in Sublime Text on Windows means that I can feel right at home on any platform. That’s one of the biggest selling points of Sublime Text.

To-Done for Sublime Link

To-Done is a plugin for Sublime Text for plain text task management. It’s a great start in my opinion. The two big aspects are the custom formatting of the text view and the Sublime Text Goto menu for finding tasks. It lacks a lot of the custom feel of PlainTasks for Sublime, but that may be a bonus for some people.

Package Control 2.0 for Sublime Text

Will Bond just announced Package Control 2.0. Package Control is 50% of the reason I like Sublime Text. It’s so easy to find and install useful Sublime Text packages. The Package Control website also received a makeover to help find awesome stuff. Will now has a way to encourage him to keep making Package Control great through donations and Gittip. What might surprise some users is that Will Bond pays $100 per month out of his own pocket to support Package Control.