
Finder Push and Pop

This might make the bash people out there smile a little bit. If you love the push and pop functions on unix, this pair of macros bring both to the OS X Finder. The core of each macro is an AppleScript, so these could easily be ported to LaunchBar or Alfred. Macro 1 - Push The Push macro grabs the currently viewed folder path and saves it to a Keyboard Maestro macro.

Getting Difficult Screenshots

Sometimes I just need a quick screenshot of a popup or some other ethereal on-screen element. There's no good way to take a screen shot of, say, a pop-up Keyboard Maestro palette. Once the palette is triggered, any keyboard or mouse interaction will dismiss the pop-up. But it is possible: That's my palette for taking screenshots. See that one at position 4? That's the secret. It's a macro for a timed screenshot of the desktop.

Keyboard Maestro Keybindings

I've enjoyed Brett Terpstra's recent posts on Keybinding in OS X. Very interesting stuff. I figured I could perform the same tasks using basic Keyboard Maestro actions and sure enough, it's pretty simple. The basic macro goes like this:  The macro is triggered by a hot key after selecting some text to surround with a parenthesis. The first action is to cut the selection. Next, the clipboard is piped into a variable.

Scrivener and NaNoWriMo

Just a friendly reminder that Literature and Latte is offering Scrivener for 20% off for anyone participating in NaNoWriMo and 50% off if you finish. There’s also a Windows version available now that I’ve tried and it is quite good.

Writing Ideas Link

Even if it is not inspirational to me, it is just a well told and funny story. Why I write ideas everyday

Siri and Outlook

It is now obvious that Siri has elevated the iOS Reminders app to the winners circle of productivity applications. It has become the quintessential ubiquitous capture device for me. One unexpected side effect is that I am now using the Tasks functionality in Outlook on Windows much more. Exchange Tasks Through my day-job I am forced to use Microsoft Exchange and Outlook on Windows. I loath Outlook but I have come to accept it as my lot in life.

The Verge Fire Hose

An amazing start out of the gate by some premier journalists. The Verge is like a fire hose of top notch tech-news. It's rapidly making many of my RSS feeds redundant and inferior. It's not often that we get to see the very first day of something that will be big and last a long time on the web.

Selecting A New Host

As I mentioned previously, I’ve been on the hunt for a more reliable hosting solution. I really want to go with SquareSpace for a couple of reasons. No hassle site management No concern about up-time (pretty much 99.9% up time) They support a bunch of podcasts I like and it would be great to reward that behavior Unfortunately, I really need code syntax highlighting since I post a lot of python, AppleScript and shell scripts.

Font Sale on MacZOT

I was a big MacZOT buyer several years ago. They offered spectacular sales on good software. I've really preferred to stick to the app store lately, but every once in awhile they offer something unique and great. This is one of those times.  6200+ royalty free, commercial-use fonts for $50. There are some nice looking fonts in the collection. There's only 8 hours left on the sale.