
New Safari Window in Spaces

This might be a "duh" tip, but it's news to me. From any space in OS X, right click on Safari in the dock and choose New Window. Boom, a new safari window in the current space. So many wasted hours moving Safari windows between spaces.

Writing In Markdown - Lists

This is part two in the Writing in Markdown series. If you prefer, read John Gruber's original guide. I will not be able to add anything new. Lists come in two flavors in Markdown. There are unordered lists and ordered lists. The first item in a list must be preceded by an empty line. A list item can contain other Markdown formatting, however the list bullet or item number can not.

Color Pickers in Acorn and BBEdit

I use about 5% of what Acorn can do for image editing, but what I use I love. Take, for example, Acorn's color picker. I use this regularly for tasks that have nothing to do with editing an image. I use it to grab the info about a specific color. I pop open Acorn's color panel with shift-cmd-C. I can then use the color picker by hovering over some pixel anywhere on the screen.

Why So Many Notes?

Several people have asked me why I have so many notes in Simplenote. I think the Notational Velocity site sums up my approach to notes best: To make good use of NV, try to maintain one detail/fact/item per note. Notational Velocity's strength, note-filtering, is diminished when only a few notes contain most of the content in the database. That's how I treat notes. Many small notes about a specific topic.

Writing in Markdown — Hiding Notes

This is the first in a series of short posts on writing with Markdown1. I don't know how many, what the topics are or how often I will post them. These will be boring to many, obvious to some and useful to few. Sounds exciting, right? If you need some introduction to Markdown and why it's great, I recommend Brett's two minute explanation and MacSparky's introduction to plain text. Notes and Outlining When I write a long post for Macdrifter2 I typically write an outline first.

Twitter Saved Searches

Yuvi produced a funny and accurate code of conduct for Twitter that is so eerily familiar, I had to check my closet to make sure he wasn't watching me. Go read it and then let the Twitter enjoyment rise within you. I have one more tip to offer. If you are not using and regularly reading saved searches in Twitter, you are truly missing half the value of the service. Twitter can be a great research tool:

The Color of Plain Text

I guess I have a common theme for my text editors. I prefer light text on a dark background. Without making a concerted effort, all of my primary text editors have ended with similar color schemes. Unfortunately Simplenote, which I use the most, does not support color schemes. I'm sure many different people have different preferences. I always gravitate to the same sort of thing. I also prefer the night mode for Instapaper.

FTP Files to WordPress by Email

Yes, another hack to make this site easier for me to manage. I post a lot from Simplenote now. While this is very efficient for making link-posts, it makes it rather challenging to create a post with images. Images are stored on the Macdrifter host in the standard WordPress content directories but I need a URL to create the image link reference in Simplenote. I have used GoodReader in the past to upload an image to the server, but I have to manually create the URL for the image.

Hazel Archive Rule

I'm really having fun with the new Hazel 3. Not only does it have a number of new rules and actions, it's performance is now good enough to work on large collections of files. Here's a file archive rule I made that scans all files and folder in my Dropbox account. When I set a file or folder label color to yellow (my archive label) Hazel automatically moves it to my deep freeze archive on my networked Drobo.