
Strapdown JS Link

JS library that can be added to any generic HTML to turn plain Markdown into beautiful HTML. By way of DrBunsen on Twitter

Listening Enjoyment 8-17-2012

For your weekend listening enjoyment, there are a number of great new and not-so-new podcasts. Unprofessional with Lex, Dave and Amy Jane Gruber. Swoon. The Shakes. Drinking and geeking. The Mixtape by Tim Buckwalter. Just music, selected by someone with good taste. More like this please. Edge Cases with Andrew Pontinous and Wolf Rentsch. “Smarter than you” would be a good subtitle. By way of Clark Core Intuition with Daniel Jalkut and Manton Reece.

Shawn Today

I don’t like “productivity” as it exists today on the web. Most of it is hypothetical preaching about an imaginary and idealized world. The best stuff I’ve heard in the past year has all come out on the Shawn Today podcast. It’s Shawn Blanc just talking about real, complicated, hard stuff. No “solutions”. No “hacks”. Just logic and honest thinking. If you’re not a member, you are only hurting yourself.

App.net Redux

Two posts that I think sum up the App.net movement: So App.net won’t have ads — but I also hope it’s a long time before the Biebers, Kuchers, and their idiocratic, smeghead fans discover the service. I wonder, just a little bit, if my attitude makes me out to be a jerk. I think it probably does — and I think, in this case, I don’t care. — Brent Simmons

Macscripz Link

Macscripz is an interesting idea. It’s single clearing house for scripts. It’s attractive and I like the simple layout. I especially appreciate the “Undo” column. What I really want is for the code to also be viewable in a Github like format. I’m always very hesitant to download scripts from people I don’t know. Macsripz does promise some moderation though. Every script on Scripz.com is pre-screened, so don’t ever worry about harming your system with any of our tweaks, we only upload quality content.

Dabblet Web App

Dabblet is a web application for testing CSS in real time on the web and in any browser.1 There’s no Flash needed and it works well. Dabblet can be used without creating an account, but with an account, I can save little experiments and trials for later. Unfortunately, I have no idea where I first heard about it. I’m sure I didn’t discover it on my own. ↩︎

Hulu on ATV — Death By A Thousand Cuts

Hulu came to the Apple TV a week ago and I was curious enough to sign-up for the one month free subscription. We attempted to watch one show and the experience was awful. Let me preface this review. I am not a regular TV watcher. I do not watch broadcast TV. I buy a lot of content off of iTunes and I make my DVD content available through my Apple TV.