I switched this site off of TypeKit @font-face alternatives. TypeKit increased the page load-time by a noticeable amount and since I moved to a static blog system, I’m trying my hardest to keep the site lean.
Here’s a brief tutorial on using custom fonts without JS or services like TypeKit. There is also an excellent tutorial at NiceWebType.com
@font-face fonts can be loaded by CSS declarations. There are many different fonts available around the web and there is a service to convert any font to an @font-face format.
My life is a study in failure.
Well said Dr. Drang. That's a good life to lead.
Love this show and this might be my favorite episode. Dr. Drang is definitely my favorite enigma.
I’m being self indulgent, but if you like coming here to read, I’m going to be breaking this site A LOT over the coming weeks. I’ve already been working in earnest to move the entire site off of WordPress. Today the site was “hacked” or at least exposed to some WordPress vulnerability that rewrote the index.php file. I’ve already tired of the overly-complex nature of WordPress and the related plugins so this is a good excuse to just rip the band-aid off.
I’d like to see Amazon make their landing page look more like this. Seriously, I’m not going to buy a Kindle. Quit asking. My Amazon login experience is starting feel like walking past a cell phone reseller booth in a mall.
By way of link cruising on Twitter
If you are reading this site from an RSS reader then I just blasted you with a bunch of old content. I had to decide between forcing everyone to resubscribe to a new feed or do a redirect of the old feed to the new one.
Personally I find the effort to resubscribe much more annoying so I went with the redirect. What that means is that RSS readers thought I published a rather large payload of new posts.
Yeah, more blogging about blogging.
I don't really know much about web traffic stats.1 I do know that with each passing month Macdrifter.com appears to have more engagement and some really interesting and talented people emailing me just to say hi. Here's my take on the month over month change of visitors to this site:
I don't post links to Hacker News, Digg (ha), or any other news aggregator. I post to Twitter, because people I like hang out there.
Today, I'd like to publicly thank someone that has made my life easier. Brett Terpstra is a force of nature and has produced1 and given away more stuff than just about anyone I know. For the uninitiated, here are some highlights of Brett Terpstra:
He makes Marked for the Mac He gives away Marky He gives away the Blogsmith Bundle for TextMate He gives away the WordPress Markdown plugin He works on NVAlt He gives away Markdown system services He gives away the best iOS text editor comparison anywhere in the world He gives away his TextMate-WriteRoom tweak He gives away his TextExpander snippets He gives away his Lorem Ipsum generator He gives away PromptDown the Markdown teleprompter He gives away his Geeklets He gives away his Key Bindings He gives away Gather his HTML to Markdown tool He gives away Read2Text He gives away Instapaper Beyond for Safari He gives away his knowledge tools He gives away his key command cheat sheets He gives away his TaskPaper scripts He gives away his Sublime Text Markdown Tools That's just some of what Brett makes.
My hat is off to Greenpeace for this spoof ad campaign against Shell Oil. It had me fooled and laughing uproariously.
A great idea from Stephen Hackett at 512Pixels. Members get a very nicely produced eBook every month included with the price of membership. The fist edition is available to everyone.
Everyone loves an underdog, but I was surprised by how many people were cheering for Yahoo1 since announcing their new CEO Marissa Mayer. Even Mike Monteiro got the warm and fuzzies on Twitter. I really don't know anything about Ms. Mayer, but I have little hope for Yahoo under any CEO living or dead. To stop the infection, the only thing left to amputate is the head. However, I am nostalgic for the days when aggregating and searching the Internet was a priority.