
More Than a Logo Link

Marco has a point about the crappy ReadWriteWeb Retina Macbook article, but I think the real take home point is at the end of his post: And it says a lot about ReadWriteWeb that they’d allow someone so blatantly unqualified to write two inflammatory Apple articles with their logo on top. I don't see it as merely a logo. It's an endorsement of the content. These sites aren't aggregators.

The Lesser of Two Scumbags

$1M worth of unauthorized phone use to Somalia Guy finds illicit use of company mobile phone account Verizon Forgives unauthorized charges AT&T sues guy for $1M Guy sues AT&T to defend himself Media picks up on story Internet is outraged AT&T drops $1M lawsuit It's a sad state when Verizon is the good guy. Of course the other option is AT&T. By way of BoingBoing

Twitter Hive Link

I've been meaning to link to this for awhile. I really like that Dr.Bunsen guy. This post is beautiful and a good reminder of how powerful modern browsers are. It's also a great way to find smart people to follow on Twitter.

Tables and Terrorists Link

According to the report, the number of U.S. citizens who died in terrorist attacks increased by two between 2010 and 2011; overall, a comparable number of Americans are crushed to death by their televisions or furniture each year. This is not to diminish the real--albeit shrinking--threat of terrorism, or to minimize the loss and suffering of the 13,000 killed and over 45,000 injured around the world. For Americans, however, it should emphasize that an irrational fear of terrorism is both unwarranted and a poor basis for public policy decisions.

WordPress Hack

On Friday, the WordPress instance that Macdrifter was sitting on was subject to a WordPress vulnerability. I was lucky since I had already been working on moving off of WordPress. I was able to undo the malicious WordPress code within a few minutes. My WordPress installation is self hosted and I was on the latest version. I also use very few plugins, which are a common vector for exploits. I was able to bring back WordPress by doing the following:

Lego Portal Link

A lego version of portal? Yes, please. I'd really love if they made a Lego Portal video game. By way of The Verge

Twitter Rules

Twitter is now turning up enforcement of their API rules and frightening/pissing off some developers. The primary issue I see with the the Twitter rules is with section 4, titled "Be a good partner to Twitter." I'm not familiar with the API, but that rule seems to imply that even basic filtering could be interpreted as a violation.1 Twitter would like unique clients that do not replicate Twitter functionality but they also don't want them to modify the basic Twitter functionality.


Ben is surprised that the shareholders are ok with the Google mentality of giving so much away (I doubt he is. It's just a literary device). I think it is a brilliant and terrible strategy. Let me put on my tinfoil hat for a bit. Here's the Google business in a nutshell: Monitor your curiosity Monitor your email Monitor your business documents Monitor your investments Monitor your reading habits Monitor your medical records(shutdown now)

Google Course Link

Google will be holding six 50 minute online courses to teach people how to do Google power searches. Interesting, because I used to know how to do Google power searches before they decided they wanted to sell phones and before they wanted to be Twitter and before they decided they wanted to be Facebook. Back in the old days when they were a search engine. By way of The Verge