A lot of awesome in one place.
Amy Jane Gruber Merlin Mann Star Wars reference Retweeted by Rob Corddry Thanks.
Dr. Drang just posted on some extremely geeky Python eccentricities. As someone that plays with Python on a Mac I loved the article. But what caught my attention was how Dr. Drang has developed a following of kindred spirits. Look at the wonderful comments to that article. It's not a long thread at all, but it's quality and they started appearing within two hours of his post. These are obviously people cut from the same cloth.
I recently added Typekit to Macdrifter.com. Macdrifter is kind of like my personal wiki. That means I spend a lot of time reading my own pages and I'm still not thrilled with the experience. Typekit gives me the option to endlessly fiddle with type faces.
While there is a Typekit plugin for WordPress, I was not very happy with the results. The load time was noticeable. A page would load in my default font (Georgia) and then snap into the Typekit font.
They say ignorance is bliss. I used to think I made a pretty good pizza. Now I know I don't. 1 Gus does.
My three year old still thinks my "pee-stah" is the best. That's kind of all I care about, I guess. ↩
I agree with most of Michael Schechter's comments about the reaction to the Instagram acquisition. I depart with his reasoning at the last paragraph though:
If Facebook buying Instagram pissed you off, I have a suggestion. Don’t just stop using Instagram, stop using free social networks and services period. Stop using sites like Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare or Pinterest, because it is a given that they will all inevitably let you down in favor of the bottom line.
I’ve used Gazelle in the past to sell older electronics. They gave me an excellent price on my first generation Mac Pro. They have always offered a recycling service and I was eager to take advantage of the service to rid myself of some circa 1994 electronics.
Today I noticed that Gazelle.com has changed what their service is. They have drastically reduced the number of products they accept. It’s interesting but not surprising that half of the devices listed are from Apple.
Update: Simperium have temporarily pulled Simplenote from the AppStore, pending a fix to an identified bug. I really have to say, Simplenote support is pretty stellar and yet another reason I use the service. It's still worthwhile having an alternative plan so I don't feel my time has been poorly invested.
I love Simplenote. I've professed my fondness many times and I've been a staunch evangelist. But I've recently started to have problems.
Yuvi produced a funny and accurate code of conduct for Twitter that is so eerily familiar, I had to check my closet to make sure he wasn't watching me. Go read it and then let the Twitter enjoyment rise within you.
I have one more tip to offer. If you are not using and regularly reading saved searches in Twitter, you are truly missing half the value of the service. Twitter can be a great research tool:
I received an email from Eric Warnke at Backup Box a little while ago mentioning their new service. Backup Box is a general backup service for online resources. It can backup a Web site or FTP, GitHub, etc. to Dropbox, FTP, GitHub, etc. It's not a real time sync, but rather a scheduled backup. It's kind of like Ifttt but designed specifically for backups between online services. It looks very cool and I'm just now starting to play with it.
The Rainbow JS library looks very interesting. I use the CodeColorer WordPress plugin it works well and has broad language support. But I really like the idea of using JavaScript instead. It would be independent of WordPress and Rainbow is easily customizable. I really like that it can use its own CSS.
If you notice intermittent oddness with code on Macdrifter, it’s because I’m playing around with Rainbow.
By way of Jonathan Christopher