The site has received a big update, along with the API. This looks really good. Perhaps the best company name yet: Pint Labs.
It looks beautiful and could rival for beer nerds. Especially since it has an API for apps.
Michael Schechter gives up.
I call it social exhaustion. While I like parties and social gatherings as much as any recluse, there's a limit. I chose Twitter. I don't do any other virtual social networks. I don't do Facebook, Instagram, Path, Google+, FourSquare, IRC, YouTube, bathroom walls or LinkedIn.1
I signed up for LinkedIn years ago but never login. ↩
How am I just now learning about Fletcher Penny's Multimarkdown CMS?
Yes, two posts in a row about podcasts. I think they are an important shift in personal entertainment. Also, I didn’t think hard enough before that last post.
There are always new podcasts coming and going. Just look at the podcast category in iTunes. It’s filled with detritus that were abandoned after two shows. But in the past 12 months I have seen a significant shift in the quality and staying power of podcasts.
A couple people have asked me about Readability for this site. I think it’s great that people want to use something like Readability to support websites they like. I do not plan to join Readability for payments. I’m against the idea of someone creating an agency to represent people that never asked for it.1
I do not think they are being evil. I will, however, pose this scenario to consider:
There is a huge amount of writing about the world of Mac and Apple. My sensibilities tell me that most of it is either juvenile, poorly researched, poorly written, or cut and paste from another source. But there are good sources for information and news on this formerly niche topic.
I looked back over all of my favorited, Instapapered, and Pinboarded1 news articles to see if there was a common theme.
Remember this post and the followup post here for creating cheat sheets? Well, Brett has done an amazing job taking a hack solution and turning it into something gorgeous. Please, go download it and revel in it's perfection.
For the record, I don't consider it a "ripoff" as Brett describes. It's an evolution by someone better than me. That's awesome.
There are only a couple dozen people in the world doing truly original work.
A very cool web page for getting easy access to the unicode characters from the Mac keyboard. Just type the plain english
In, press Shift + Command + A to open the Applications folder
To get the unicode translations.
In, press ⇧ + ⌘ + A to open the Applications folder
CORRECTION: After testing on multiple machines, I’m not so sure this is true. If you can confirm or deny, please leave a comment.
Want to use Google search, but don’t want to leave a “cookie” trail for them to aggregate? DuckDuckGo can help.
Prefix a search with !g to forward the search to Google. DDG anonymizes the search for you. Even if you’re not paranoid, this is a good way to get less-biased results from Google.
Just for the record, it wasn't hard to determine that this comment from MG was not true. It took a total of 20 seconds and less than 12 clicks.
Pot: "Hey, look at those lazy, stupid black kettles. They are sooo bad at journalism."
EDIT: For clarification, I think it’s O.K. to report hearsay, if that’s what you think is worth your time. But if you’re going to go around picking fights and making comments about bad journalism, I’m going to hold you to a much higher standard.