Sometimes Lorem Ipsum is a necessary evil. While a few developers may prefer real content when designing, I just want something that makes me happy when I’m looking at the same thing all day. Fillerama makes me happy. I love the Star Wars content and the fact that it generates lists and headers is a bonus. There’s also an API.
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
As long as I'm kicking Facebook today, here's another trend in social media. I guess it's good to catch cheaters but the story sounds like companies are making decisions based on Facebook posts without context. I'm sure that will end well.
There’s a nice round-up of wireframing and mockup webapps over at SpeckyBoy. I love OmniGraffle, but most of the time I need it on my Windows machine at work. I tried most of the apps in the list and only one was good enough for my needs. Specifically, NO FLASH REQUIRED.
Mockingbird is impressive just for how attractive it is without using any flash. I can imagine a number of use cases for an app like this.
I often make snide off-handed comments about the “Golden Echo Chamber”, as I refer to it. The web is full of sites that do nothing but link to stories from other sites to drive up their own page views. Some of them do a good job referencing the original sources but MANY attempt to hide the source. This seems to be an attempt to both obscure the source of the information (to boost their own standing) and to keep visitors on their own pages as long as possible.
The Verge is also reporting that the next release of MIcrosoft’s Silverlight may be the last. The “Web 3 point oh” can now begin in earnest. The end of these technologies are great opportunities for everyone to make better solutions.
ZDNet is reporting that Adobe plans to discontinue flash for mobile devices. My sincere hope is that this will mark the beginning of the end of Flash on the web.
Flash helped to revolutionize the web IN THE 90’s. The Multimedia web was an amazing development that changed what the internet would become. Macromedia planted the seeds for a fertile entertainment platform. Adobe allowed Flash to run fallow in the intervening decades and we now are all left with a legacy that holds back the potential of the web.
CoffeeScript looks nice. I really like the thoughtful debate that is happening around the concept. It’s a healthy way for languages to evolve.
Writing better JavaScript with CoffeScript
CoffeeScript means giving up on JavaScript
Response to CoffeeScript means giving up on JavaScript
All by way of Zite
Siri is now fully ingrained in my workflow. I use it at home and on the street constantly. It greatly reduces the time to conceive an idea, research it and then get it written down.
Something that I am noticing though is that I no longer need to think about where or how to search. I don’t care. I just want the information and an assurance that the source is reasonably authoritative.
An amazing start out of the gate by some premier journalists. The Verge is like a fire hose of top notch tech-news. It's rapidly making many of my RSS feeds redundant and inferior. It's not often that we get to see the very first day of something that will be big and last a long time on the web.
As I mentioned previously, I’ve been on the hunt for a more reliable hosting solution. I really want to go with SquareSpace for a couple of reasons.
No hassle site management No concern about up-time (pretty much 99.9% up time) They support a bunch of podcasts I like and it would be great to reward that behavior Unfortunately, I really need code syntax highlighting since I post a lot of python, AppleScript and shell scripts.