I was a big MacZOT buyer several years ago. They offered spectacular sales on good software. I've really preferred to stick to the app store lately, but every once in awhile they offer something unique and great. This is one of those times.
6200+ royalty free, commercial-use fonts for $50. There are some nice looking fonts in the collection. There's only 8 hours left on the sale.
Not much more to say. Time for something sweet from Cupcake Ipsum:
"Applicake biscuit danish muffin gummies croissant jelly beans biscuit faworki. Biscuit chocolate macaroon toffee. Ice cream pastry dragée cotton candy ice cream macaroon ice cream apple pie. Pastry cake croissant candy canes chocolate carrot cake chocolate candy macaroon."
By way of Swiss Miss
Great article by Dan Pallotta over at the Harvard Business Review.
Last year Change.org wrote of Steve Jobs, "It's high time the minimalist CEO became a magnanimous philanthropist."
I've got news for you. He has been. What's important is how we use our time on this earth, not how conspicuously we give our money away. What's important is the energy and courage we are willing to expend reversing entropy, battling cynicism, suffering and challenging mediocre minds, staring down those who would trample our dreams, taking a stand for magic, and advancing the potential of the human race.
Hard Work
It sure is getting easy to distinguish quality news sites from pure click grubbing sites. Which, in turn, makes it easier to reduce the number of RSS subscriptions I read.
Pinboard.in is an anti-social bookmarking service. It started as an alternative to Delicious bookmarks with one major difference. By default, bookmarks were private. It was not intended to be a place to explore, but rather a place to reliably keep bookmarks with a minumum of pomp and circumstance. Their tag-line is “Social bookmarking for introverts.”
I joined Pinboard.in back in April 2010. I can’t remember the price back then, but it was cheap.
I was just browsing the Pinboard public history list. Sometimes the Internet is a wonderfully sentimental place. Thanks.
Nettus+ generates some great content and posts some fantastic links. Here's a bunch of WebDev links (mostly JS). I'm so impressed with how powerful JavaScript is becoming on modern browsers. The next generation of WebApps are going to feel so close to native applications that I doubt we will be able to tell the difference. Here are 3 of my favorites from that Nettus+ list:
Cryptico.js for client side encryption (up to 1024 bits) Keymaster for handling keyboard shortcuts (including modifier keys like command and option) JQuery Mobile.
I’m in heaven… CommandLineFu.com
Some much good stuff. At least an evening worth of fun hacking to be had with this site.
This kind of stuff is why I fell in love with Organic Chemistry and spent half my life in school to learn it.
Chemists have favorite reactions. They have favorite reactions not because of what they make, but because of what they feel like. Chemists can imagine things so small and so fast that they can not be directly observed. And they can have a specific affinity to one. I like it when people have favorite intangibles.
Just a great post by Marco.
From my former life as a chemist, I can say I have had pleasant social interactions with superstars in the world of Natural Products Synthesis and broke bread with Noble Laureates. None of those experiences have diminished my giddiness when I get an email or DM from someone that I admire on the internet. It just makes me happy to talk to people that do things I like.