I guess I never hit a Github 404 page before, but after this one, I want to find them all. Github 404’s are lovely interactive graphics. This one was a Star Wars reference that tickled me to no end.
Today appears to be NVAlt day. Brett and Elastic Threads have exciting news about NVAlt 2.1 and the future of Notational Velocity. Not only is the new version Lion compatible but there are some fantastic new features like opening characters.
I love the concept of a self contained, interactive, multi platform document but I hate "players" and plugins. I would have preferred JS, HTML, CSS and Wolfram API calls instead.
Dave Winer: "I've deleted my Dropbox account."
THAT is exactly what I was afraid of. Dave has done some very cool things with Dropbox. If you think that's not a loss for the company then research what Dave has accomplished (apache and Dropbox web server). He's been a significant promoter of Dropbox and likely driven a good amount of traffic to their site.
There was no need for this. Copying Google's or SugarSync's TOS is not an excuse.
Create a temporary security hole in your cloud based document storage system. Release new terms of service like this: “By submitting your stuff to the Services, you grant us (and those we work with to provide the Services) worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable rights to use, copy, distribute, prepare derivative works (such as translations or format conversions) of, perform, or publicly display that stuff to the extent reasonably necessary for the Service.
If you want to see an industry willingly and eagerly destroy it’s self
New York Post website now blocking Safari access on Apple’s iPad
Try it from an iPad and see for yourself.
That’s not the only publication that I’ve stumbled on. Macworld has been doing this ever since their iOS app was released. There’s a difference between embracing a new technology and tying it around your ankles and jumping in a lake.
The Financial Times recently introduced their new HTML5 web-app as an alternative to releasing a native app for iOS. Now the Zuckernaut is purportedly building an HTML5 web app for Facebook. There’s been a bit of FUD floating around that this is somehow a stick in the eye to Apple.
This is exactly what Apple has always wanted. Steve said 4 years ago that there are two development platforms for iOS.
Remember when I mentioned Dan Bricklin? Well, here's your chance to learn more. There's a great episode of the Triangulation podcast with Dan. He talks all about his iPad app NoteTaker HD, which I thought was very good, if not the most intuitive app. It's worth a listen.
I agree with Eddie's recent post about using a Windows machine as just another tool or context. However, as a registered Spootnik user, I can tell you that web access to my tasks in OmniFocus is very convenient. And to Eddie's point that installing OmniFocus on every computer I work on would be a drag, Spootnik means that I don't have to. Web access means that I can use OF on any device I feel is appropriate at the time.
“Hey buddy. Sorry you caught me crapping in the middle of your picnic. I really didn’t mean for you to see that. To apologize for the terrible situation of you seeing me do that, I will immediately stop crapping in the middle of your picnic. I also want to assure you that I never meant for you to see that. In fact, I have changed the terms of our agreement that you never read (it’s over there on that tree by the entrance to the park in six point type about 20 feet off the ground) so that you never need to think about catching me crapping in the middle of your picnic.