There has been a bit of excitement over the Dropbox security standards and controls. This is nothing new, but it might be a slow news week. Dropbox has responded with a lengthy blog post. Most of their arguments make sense to me. For example, they must decrypt user objects if they are to be available through the web application:
"The reason is many of the most popular Dropbox features — like accessing your files from the website, creating file previews, and sharing files with other people — would either not be possible or would be much more cumbersome without this capability.
Things that cost me money* Dropbox------$10/Mo. Spootnik------$3/Mo. MobileMe -----$8/Mo. Shawn Blanc---$3/Mo. Web Hosting---$8/Mo. Simplenote ----$2/Mo. Pinboard ------$7 lifetime Netflix--------$8/Mo. Amazon Prime--$7/Mo. Instapaper------$3/Mo. Things that cost me peace of mind* Google (Search/Mail/Reader) Mint Twitter *These lists may not be mutually exclusive. Nothing is free. EDIT: I forgot about the terrific Instapaper service
Google search has been experiencing a slow slide into the realm of unmoderated Wordpress comments. I'm sure Google finds a lot of relavent search results but in general the first 2-3 pages of results is garbage filled with link farm results and Adwords hits.
I've recently been on a quest to replace Google search with something that actually works. I was getting pretty frustrated until I stumbled across So far the only bad aspect of the service is the name.
SimplicityIsBliss has some very helpful info. It's new to me but is now in my short list of feeds for useful Mac information. There is particularly heavy attention paid to Omnifocus but in a good way.
I've been using as a bookmark service since before it was cool. I mostly use it because I never had a desire to share my bookmarks with the world. It always felt akin to sharing all of my post-it notes with the world.
Here are just a few ways to get your Pinboard service baked into your everyday workflow.
Setup the "send to" service for Google Reader
This is a great way to quickly add interesting things to Pinboard but keep them out of your primary inbox.