Ok, this is pretty badass. A Google Docs spreadsheet can be configured as a website monitor tool with notifications by SMS. I had no idea that scripts in a Google Doc can continue to run when the document is closed.
This time of year is filled with jubilant hipsters and 40 year old cool-guys tweeting about their favorite conferences.1 I really appreciate the mute filters in Tweetbot 2 but wish that I had the same in my RSS feed reader.
Sam Mellor on Twitter mentioned he had that problem taken care of. Sure enough, he has a clever little Python script called RSS-filter.py that scans Google feeds for a specified regular expression and marks those articles as read.
The Pingdom blog has a great collection of landing page screenshots of famous domains before they were famous. the collection includes Amazon, Android, Outlook and iPhone.
Yes, I love Pinboard. These are some very interesting statistics on Pinboard subscribers and bookmarks. I love that nearly 1/3 of the subscribers have only private bookmarks.
I have two blog memberships. Shawn’s was the first. His membership podcasts are some of the best out there and he’s just a genuinely good human. It feels good to support that kind of stuff for such a small amount of money. His membership drive and giveaway is on now.
Jalees Rehman:
To conclude that Popova is a member if the “1%” based on some very speculative numbers is ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as Salmon’s apparent mind-reading skills or his supposed concern for the financial status of her readers.
Here’s my take on it: Maria Popova made something nice that people like. Douchnozzles writing Reuters' endorsed blog posts made up some crap to get attention and clicks.
The Ground Rules The bar is pretty high after the first round of evaluations.
There are a few areas that I have found most OmniFocus competitors fail hard and a few that make OmniFocus look like a LeapFrog application.
Sequential vs. Unordered Tasks
This is an odd omission. No system I have found has an option to indicate a sequential or unordered list of tasks for a project. Worse, some systems have almost no option for setting the order of tasks.
Shawn Blanc lays out his feelings about link posts on his site:
The fact of the matter is: there’s no right or wrong here. Lopp, Bowler, Brooks, and so many others out there have spent time evaluating what they want to focus on. And so I thought I’d share briefly about why I personally am keeping my link posts here.
I’ve stayed out of this fray until now because it always felt like arguing about your favorite color.
Ten years ago, a single blog post by Matt Mullenweg sparked a discussion that lead to the creation of WordPress. Clearly that’s the way Matt sees it. Say what you want about WordPress, it’s been a huge motivator for people to write online and to make that writing easy and attractive. Almost every site I enjoy today started as a WordPress blog. This site started as a WordPress blog. So yeah, that’s a pretty cool snapshot in time.
This sale at Tuts+ is very tempting. They have a huge variety of premium tutorials that look very good. Sale ends at the end of January.